Sunday, April 18, 2010

About New Forest Brushes

During my research for Fido's Shaving Brush Blog I learnt a lot about shaving brushes. I collected and tested brushes across price ranges and makes. I discovered how they are made and who makes them. And all about prices, and the costs of production. And a lot about who buys them.
I had been thinking for some time about setting up a small business. But it had to be something I would enjoy. For some inexplicable reason, I love shaving brushes. They are delightful objects to look at. And many are a pleasure to use. The best ones are very expensive. And that's where New Forest Brushes comes in. I aim to offer a very limited number of good quality popular sized brushes at a price that the enthusiast can afford and irresistible to the collector who wants examples of different brands of shaving brushes.

I will build the business step by step and review as I proceed. Initially I will launch a brush, aim to sell out, then take a break before launching the next one. In this way, I can assess and react to feedback. My first brush is described below.

In the pipeline I have plans to introduce a Finest Silvertip, a shorter lofted fan shape two band, and possibly, a high mountain badger grade.

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